Queen of Peace Preschool has been awarded the highest rating of four stars by Parent Aware. We have developed a learning environment where professional and caring staff help children grow their full mental, physical and spiritual potential. It is a mixed age program (ages 3-5) where our teachers meet the needs of each student through content-rich learning experiences, play and proven teaching techniques.
Throughout the core curriculum, emphasis is placed on faith integration, creative thinking, gross and fine-motor skills, speaking proficiency, problem solving and social-skills development. The preschool program at Queen of Peace Catholic School is fully aligned with the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress and ensures that students move seamlessly from preschool to kindergarten. The Preschool curriculum includes the following:
✔ Shares and takes turns
✔ Has a basic understanding of right and wrong
✔ Beginning to problem solve conflict with friends on their own
✔ Is more aware of feelings and shows empathy
✔ Enjoys imaginative play
✔ Participates in tasks for a longer period of time (controlling frustration)
✔ Can play games with simple rules
✔ Can follow rules and 3-part directions
✔ Shows respect for others, especially adults, uses manners
✔ Can listen to a story for 10 minutes or more
✔ Shows respect for toys and can put them away
✔ Cleans up after snacks and meals
✔ Knows basic safety: first name, address, emergency numbers
✔ Easily transitions from one activity to another
✔ Can separate from parents for a period of time
✔ Enjoys playing with other children
✔ Can work independently on simple tasks
✔ Communicates needs and wants
✔ Uses the toilet independently, including hand washing
✔ Uses a tissue properly
✔ Fastens their shoes
✔ Holds and uses scissors properly
✔ Holds writing utensils properly (pincer grasp)
✔ Understands how to use a glue stick
✔ Dresses themselves independently, puts on and zips their own jacket
✔ Can walk up stairs using alternating feet
✔ Can balance on each foot (~10 seconds)
✔ Can jump over an object
✔ Can catch a ball with their hands
✔ Writes their first name