Kindergarten Readiness Skills

Social Emotional

✔ Shares and takes turns 

✔ Has a basic understanding of right and wrong 

✔ Beginning to problem solve conflict with friends on their own 

✔ Is more aware of feelings and shows empathy 

✔ Enjoys imaginative play 

✔ Participates in tasks for a longer period of time (controlling frustration) 

✔ Can play games with simple rules 

✔ Can follow rules and 3-part directions 

✔ Shows respect for others, especially adults, uses manners 

✔ Can listen to a story for 10 minutes or more 

✔ Shows respect for toys and can put them away 

✔ Cleans up after snacks and meals 

✔ Knows basic safety: first name, address, emergency numbers 

✔ Easily transitions from one activity to another 

✔ Can separate from parents for a period of time 

✔ Enjoys playing with other children

✔ Can work independently on simple tasks 

✔ Communicates needs and wants

Motor Skills

✔ Uses the toilet independently, including hand washing 

✔ Uses a tissue properly 

✔ Fastens their shoes 

✔ Holds and uses scissors properly 

✔ Holds writing utensils properly (pincer grasp) 

✔ Understands how to use a glue stick 

✔ Dresses themselves independently, puts on and zips their own jacket 

✔ Can walk up stairs using alternating feet 

✔ Can balance on each foot (~10 seconds) 

✔ Can jump over an object 

✔ Can catch a ball with their hands 

✔ Writes their first name